VI. Right of Way

 A. The Line of the Ball:

 1. At all times when the ball is in play, the line of its course shall be called the Line of the Ball. Any change in the ball’s direction, however slight, shall create a new Line of the Ball.

 2. If the ball is put in play by being hit at and missed, as on a free hit, the Line of the Ball shall be the direction in which the player was riding when he hit at the ball.

 B. The Right of Way:

 1. The Line of the Ball shall determine a Right of Way between any two or more players in the vicinity of the ball, which Right of Way shall give the player entitled to it the right to ride up to and past the ball.

 2. No other players may enter, block, or cross that Right of Way except at such a distance that there is no danger of collision with the player or players entitled to the Right of Way.

 C. Determination of Right of Way:

 1.If two players are both following or both meeting the ball:

 a. If one player is clearly approaching the line at a lesser angle, then that player has the Right of Way over the player approaching at a greater angle. (Fig. 1)

 b. If the two players are approaching at approximately equal angles from opposite sides of the line, then each must remain on his respective side in playing the ball. (Fig. 2)

 2. If one player is following and the other meeting the ball:

 a. If one player has the Line of the Ball on his right, and the other player has the Line of the Ball on his left, the player with the Line of the Ball on his right has the Right of Way. (Fig. 3)
 b. If both players have the Line of the Ball on their right, then each must keep the Line of the Ball on his right until clear of the other player. (Fig. 4)
 c. If both players have the Line of the Ball on their left, then the player following the ball has the Right of Way, and may cross the Line of the Ball to play the ball on his right. (Fig. 5) Should the player following the ball elect to play it on his left, the player meeting the ball may also make a play on his left.

 3. Two players riding parallel to one another and in the same direction toward the ball shall have the Right of Way over a single player riding at an equal or greater angle to the Line of the Ball, regardless of which side of the Line of the Ball the single player is on. (Fig. 6)
 4. Two players riding parallel do not have the Right of Way over a single player riding at a lesser angle to the Line of the Ball. (Fig. 7) In this example, the Red #1 would create a dangerous situation if he forced the Green player into Red #2's Right of Way. Note that if Red #1 pulls out of the play, Green can turn parallel with the Line of the Ball and play the ball on his left without fouling Red #2.

5. Two players riding parallel must ride on opposite sides of the ball, each allowing the other to make a play.

 6. A player with the Right of Way and an opponent on his right must play the ball on his right side, in order to give the opponent an opportunity to make a play. (Fig. 8) In such a case, the oppnent must make his play without entering the Right of Way in front of the player, but may cross behind the player, provided he is not violating the Right of Way of any following player.

 7. No dismounted player may block the ball with his bicycle if in so doing he creates a danger of collision with a player riding from any direction.

 8. When the Line of the Ball changes for any reason, a player on the new Right of Way must give other players an opportunity to clear the new Right of Way, but players clearing the new Right of Way may not make a play on the ball.
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